Hello all,
it's been a while, what with the holidays and all. But now we're gearing up for our February show: I Found Love. This show is curated by our friend Rich Wexler and features the works of Andrew Richardson, Mary Reese, Amanda Miller and Alex Spencer:
An art show of found, and inspired by found images of the things we love.
ANDREW RICHARDSON - Sculpture using found objects
Andrew Richardson spent almost a decade in the wilderness. Now he returns, with evidence of what love for robots, Christmas, and women in general will get you.
Mary Reese began painting eight years ago while living in Indianapolis and attending Indiana University. She is a recent Philadelphia transplant. Her current oil paintings are portraits, focusing on both animals and people found on the internet, as well as bright colors and texture. Reese enjoys the humor and unnaturalness found in portraiture. She is extremely interested in the relationship between pets and their owners, and how central animals are in the lives of Americans. She also finds it fascinating that personal information and photographs can be obtained on the internet and utilized by anyone. When not painting, Reese works with students at South Philadelphia High School and teaches adult English classes. She is currently attempting to master the ukulele.
AMANDA MILLER - Illustrations using found images and found objects.
ALEX SPENCER - Found video
has collected videos for many years. He will be highlighting some of his favorite finds.
Has collected "Found" photographs and videos for about ten years. He has been lucky enough to have found, or has been given by friends, approximately 1500 photos, 500 slides, 15 super 8 reels, and 7 yearbooks. Many of these are found in larger collections of a few hundred photographs. In addition to showing various parts of his collection, he has started a blog called "Found in Philadelphia" as a way to try to collect various other people's found pics to create some kind of strange, unknown, narrative of the city. He will also be showing found pictures and videos that have been manipulated and made into something new.
And here's a found video of Rich's:
"Found outside of student housing during Penn Christmas, The camp is Camp Saginaw in the Poconos. On a side note; I actually went to college with Hugh "Space" Asden and he was in my fraternity. On another note, I had screened this at a bar one night and the guy who actually shot the video wound up being there randomly." - Rich Wexler
See you there!